What is the abbreviation of Picture Element (PIXEL)? Definition

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A pixel is an abbreviation for a picture element. A pixel is the smallest component of an image or picture. Pixels are arranged in rows and columns to produce a complete image.

The number of pixels in an image is called resolution. Screen resolution is rated by the number of horizontal and vertical pixels; for example, 1024×768 means 1,024 pixels are displayed in each row (columns), and there are 768 rows (lines). The greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution.

Screen image sharpness is sometimes expressed as dpi (dots per inch). Dots per inch is determined by both the physical screen size and the resolution setting.

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SECAM Video Format Explained

ompagnie Française de Télévision (later bought by Thomson) invented SECAM. SECAM uses the same resolution as PAL (625 lines) but transmits the color information sequentially: R-Y on one line and B-Y on the next.

PAL Video Format Explained

AL is a color encoding system used in broadcast television systems in large parts of the world. The PAL TV standard came into the market in early 1960s Europe. The term PAL describes any video, including digital video, formatted for playback on a PAL TV.

NTSC Video Format Explained

The NTSC is responsible for setting television and video standards used in North America, most of South America, and some other countries. The NTSC standard for television defines a composite video signal with a refresh rate of 30 interlaced frames per second. Each frame contains 525 lines and can contain 16 million different colors

What is MESECAM?

MESECAM stands for Middle Eastern Secam. MESECAM is not a broadcast standard.

Is there any way to convert PAL to NTSC?

Yes!!! There are some ways you can use to convert from PAL to NTSC or vice versa.


What is PAL 60?

PAL-60 is NTSC with the chroma part converted to PAL (both encoding and subcarrier frequency, 4.43 MHz).

What is the difference between NTSC, PAL, SECAM?

There are 3 main analog video standards in use around the world.

PAL (Phase Alternating Line)
NTSC (National Television System Committee)
SECAM (Séquentiel couleur à mémoire – Sequential Color with Memory)

Each standard is incompatible with the other two.

What is the difference between NTSC 3.58 and NTSC 4.43?

The NTSC 3.58 is pure US and Japan TV system.

What is NTSC 4.43 system?

NTSC 4.43 is also known as NTSC-J.

What are the SECAM variants?

There are five varieties of SECAM:

1. French SECAM (SECAM-L)
French SECAM (SECAM-L) is used only in France, Luxembourg (only RTL9 on CH 21 from Dudelange) and Tele Monte-Carlo Transmitters in the south of France.

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What are the SECAM variants?What are the SECAM variants?