How to create an on-line catalog?

Category: Internet Tags:

On the internet customers are left on their own, there is no salesperson or manager who would tell them about the goods or services. Customers cannot take goods and study them carefully. But how then do they make decisions? There are only two answers:

A) the customer is already acquainted with the product, he/she likes it and wants to buy it.
B) customer liked the information about the product and decided to buy it....

How to Make Money Online?

Category: Internet Tags:

If you learn how other people make money online, I mean really study how it’s done and ask a lot of questions, there is no reason in the world you cannot make money on the internet as well.

How do people make money with websites? There are literally tens of thousands of things people make money on from the net. From hard goods of all kinds (anything that can be shipped, including cars and boats!) to information and memberships....

What is a charge back?

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Chargebacks occur when a credit cardholder informs the credit card company that the charge was not authorized, or that goods or services were not delivered as promised. The chargeback mechanism exists primarily for consumer protection.

A consumer may initiate a chargeback by contacting their issuing bank and filing a substantiated complaint regarding one or more debit items on their credit card statement....

Why do I need a merchant account?

Category: Internet Tags:

A merchant account allows businessmen to accept credit card payments. These days most consumers prefer to shop using their credit/debit cards, if a merchant accepts credit cards payment, the sales could increase from 15% to 100% depending on the type of business.

Advantages of accepting credit card payments:...

How much do merchants pay to accept credit cards?

Category: Internet Tags:

The discount rate is one of the processing fees charged to your merchant account. There are various fees associated with having a merchant account. These could vary, depending on the type and company providing the service, but all merchant accounts have 2 main costs:

  • Discount Rates: With most merchant service providers, every processed sale is classified into 1 of 3 qualification levels (Qualified, Mid-Qualified, & Non-Qualified), and is charged a discounted percentage rate associated with that qualification. Each sales level and rate is determined by the type of card used, and/or how it is accepted and processed.
  • Transaction or Authorization Fee: This fee is charged for each electronic authorization request and transaction made, including all approved and declined sales, returns, voids, and batch settlements.

The discount rate is simply, a percentage charged on each transaction. It is usually lower if you are swiping cards, and higher if you are keying them in or taking Internet transactions. For example, if you are set up with a discount rate of 2.5%, and you charge a customer $100, the discount fee would be $2.50....

How do I apply for a merchant account?

Category: Internet Tags:

Using a merchant account, a business owner can accept credit cards in any retail environment, including the Internet. To apply for a Merchant Account, all you must do is first submit your info to the Merchant Account Provider you want to work with. To sign up, you will need:...

What is a merchant account?

Category: Internet Tags:

A merchant account is a special account that allows your business to accept payments by debit or credit cards and electronic payments through a Web site. You must have a merchant account if you want to be able to accept credit cards from your customers. Setting up a merchant account usually involves the bank understanding your business and working with a third-party processor to arrange a mechanism for accepting payments.

A merchant account is not the same as a bank account. It acts between your payment gateway and your bank account, accepting funds from credit cards which are then deposited into your bank. When a customer makes an online credit card payment to you, the bank debits the amount from your customer’s credit card account and deposits it into your Merchants local business checking account, this process usually takes 48-72 hours....

What is a payment gateway?

Category: Internet Tags:

A payment gateway is a link between your business merchant account and the customer’s credit card. A payment gateway is an e-commerce application service provider, it is the equivalent of a physical point-of-sale terminal.

A payment gateway serves as the front end of your merchant account, allowing you to manage funds, transactions, and the like. It also serves as a connection between your website and your merchant account....